Marketing Coordinator (Mar
Coord) - Sumatra Bagian Tengah - PT Suzuki Finance Indonesia
- Memantau pasar penjualan kendaraan di berbagai dealer.
- Menyusun strategi penjualan dengan membuat Paket dan Promosi dengan persetujuan Kepala Cabang dan Kantor Pusat.
- Membina dan meningkatkan produktivitas Sales Counter dan CMO.
- Membina hubungan baik dengan dealer (Relationship dealer) dan debitor.
- Pria,
- Maksimal 32 tahun.
- Pendidikan Minimal S1 segala jurusan
- Berpengalaman sebagai CMO diperusahaan multifinance, otomotif atau perbankan minimal 1 tahun
- Berwawasan luas, komunikatif, integritas, inisiatif & memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan
- Memiliki sepeda motor serta SIM C&A
- Dapat mengoperasikan MS Office dengan baik (Word, Excel)
- Untuk penempatan area Roda 2 (Motor) Sumatra Bagian Tengah : Pekanbaru, Rengat, Duri, Padang, Ujung Batu, Batam, Bukit Tinggi, Jambi
Apply to :
Kirimkan CV dengan foto terbaru ukuran 4X6 serta tuliskan kode jabatan
dan area penempatan pada subject email ke: Recruitment@sfi.co.id & effirdon@sfi.co.id
attachment maks kurang dari 1 MB
attachment maks kurang dari 1 MB
Closing Date: 23-Oct-13
Teknisi - Jambi - PT
Teka P & T International
- Pria, Min Usia 23 – 32 years old
- Min. SMK / SMU
- Memiliki Kendaraan / Motor Sendiri
- Sanggup bekerja diluar kantor
- Punya Keahlian di bidang Elektronik
- Diutamakan dapat membaca wiring diagram dan mengerti electronic
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
Applicants should submit their application letters with resume,
references and recent photograph to :
submit your CV to : hrd_teka@yahoo.co.id
Closing Date: 06-Oct-13
submit your CV to : hrd_teka@yahoo.co.id
Closing Date: 06-Oct-13
Field Financial Administrator - Company
The Field Financial Administrator is responsible for implementing and
coordinating all financial and budgetary aspects of jobsites projects. The
Field Financial Administrator is also responsible for administrative field
accounting, expenditures, bookkeeping, reporting and payroll related to the
specific programs and projects.
- Negotiation and problem solving skills
- Be able to adapt to workload and working conditions while maintaining a positive attitude and professional demeanor
- Be well-rehearsed and prepared for the unexpected
- Positive attitude with a high level of enthusiasm, motivation and resilience even if under pressure
- Commitment to treat employees, clients, vendors and public officials with respect; willingness to be respectful of others’ opinions and ideas. Maintaining and sustaining successful long-term relationships with key decision makers
- Demonstrate confidence and authority as the day-to-day voice of the team in the field
- Demonstrate maturity in handling confidential matters, common sense and good judgment
- Male, max 35 years old
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent
- Required language(s): Fluent English both oral and written, Bahasa Indonesia
- At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position
- Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in Finance - General/Cost Accounting or equivalent
- Basic knowledge about accounting
- Ready to travel and/or to be placed in the project sites for some periods
- Strong personality
- Full-Time position(s) available
Apply to : FORM
Closing Date: 06-Oct-13
Demikian info seputar Lowongan Kerja Di Jambi Terbaru September 2013 yang kami update hari ini semoga berguna dan bermanfaat bagi anda calon pelamar dan dapat diterima diperusahaan yang dikehendaki, untuk informasi lainnya dapat anda cari di blog ini, Terima Kasih dan Salam Sukses.
====>> Baca Juga Lowongan Kerja Aceh dan Sekitarnya September 2013
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