PIC cabang Manado - PT
Metropolitan Televisindo
- Mengendalikan kegiatan operasional
- Mengatur jadwal shift operator TX dan perhitungan uang lembur
- Membuat laporan pertanggungjawaban
- Pria
- Minimal Diploma 3 dari semua jurusan
- Maksimal 33 tahun
- Memiliki pengalaman bekerja min.1 tahun
- Diutamakan memiliki kemampuan teknik minimal dapat memperbaiki genset & memahami instalasi litrik
- Memiliki kemampuan administrasi dan manajemen keuangan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
- Jujur dan bertanggungjawab
Closing Date: 13-Oct-13
Medical Representative MANADO
(MND) - PT Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories
- Mempromosikan produk-produk farmasi ke dokter, apotik, klinik, atau rumah sakit
- Menciptakan dan menjalin hubungan yang baik, efektif dan produktif dokter, apotik, klinik, atau rumah sakit
- Menjaga kerjasama yang baik
- Usia maks. 30 tahun
- Pendidikan min. SMF/SMU/SMK
- Pengalaman min. 1 tahun dibidang marketing lebih disukai
- Memiliki SIM C dan kendaraan roda dua
- Memiliki motovasi kerja yang tinggi
Segera kirimkan lamaran, CV dan pas photo terbaru
dengan mencantumkan kode lamaran dan area yang diminati ke :
HRD PT. Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories
Jl. Aditiawarman No. 67, Kebayoran Baru – Jakarta Selatan 12160
Jl. Aditiawarman No. 67, Kebayoran Baru – Jakarta Selatan 12160
(Harap Cantumkan Posisi di Amplop Lamaran)
Closing Date: 13-Oct-13
Sales Representative Retail
(SRR) - Manado - PT Eternit Gresik
- To develop our presence, market share and brand visibility in the construction market (contractors, architects, consultants, applicators, end users, home owners)
- To implement the actions of the company's commercial action plans and achieves the sales targets according to the budget
- To maintain and develop the best possible relationship with our construction network, and provide them with our best possible technical support and services
- To organize and conduct some products demonstrations and animations at the project site
- To participate in the evolution of our strategy to our construction network, and propose some evolutions of our services, displays, mock ups, marketing tools, etc
- To update permanently our customer's (contractors/architects/consultants) database and files
- To deal with customer's complains, by preparing the complaint documents and follow up to the internal progress
- Age 26 – 35 years old
- Minimum S1 Civil engineering or Architecture
- Ideally have 2-3 years experiences in related fields, but fresh graduates are welcome
- Dynamic and motivated young people
- Good team player, good communication and negotiation abilities
- Good command of English, Windows, Excel, Word
- Driving license A is a must
- The experience of an international company and market leader.
- The dynamics of a young and motivated team.
- Excellent remuneration and adapted social benefits.
- Clear career development opportunities.
Please send your Application letter & Complete CV with recent photograph to:
(Please mention the Job Reference ‘S R P’ on the mail subject)
Jl. Indro No. 1, Gresik 61124
or E-mail your application to:
Demikian info seputar Lowongan Kerja Kota Manado Terbaru September 2013 yang kami update hari ini semoga berguna dan bermanfaat bagi anda calon pelamar dan dapat diterima diperusahaan yang dikehendaki, untuk informasi lainnya dapat anda cari di blog ini, Terima Kasih dan Salam Sukses.
====>> Baca Juga Lowongan Kerja Toshiba Indonesia September 2013
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