Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lowongan Kerja Banten Architectural Engineering September 2013

Lowongan Kerja Architectural Engineering September 2013 - Informasi Lowongan kerja kali ini bagi anda di wilayah Banten dan sekitarnya. Adapun Lowongan Kerja banten Architectural Engineering September 2013 meliputi posisi : Architectural Engineering, selengkapnya - khususnya mengenai syarat dan tanggal penutupan dibawah ini. Apabila anda tertarik dengan loker terbaru September 2013 tersebut silahkah langsung mendaftar melalui email/alamat/apply form yang tertera sebelum waktu pendaftaran ditutup.

PT TEKNIKO INDONESIA -  Architectural Engineering


-Responsible for planning, scheduling, conducting and coordinating the technical and management -aspects on assigned projects.
-Review and approve technical design phases of projects.
-Demonstrate a knowledge of the application of architectural/engineering to facility
constructability as applied to construction methods and materials, and the economics
-Drawings, specifications, calculations, charts and graphs.


-Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Architecture, Engineering (Civil) or equivalent.
-Required skill(s): Autocad 2d 3d, English Literature, Computer Skill, High Creativity.
-Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
-At least 4 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
-Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Architecture/Interior Design or equivalent.
-Full-Time and Contract position available.

daftar disini

Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja Architectural Engineering September 2013 yang kami posting hari ini semoga berguna dan bermanfaat bagi anda calon pelamar dan dapat diterima diperusahaan yang dikehendaki, untuk informasi lainnya dapat anda cari di blog ini, Perhatikan detail lamaran kerjanya dengan teliti. Terima Kasih d an Salam Sukses.

PS: Bagi yang ingin melihat Informasi tes cpns september 2013 silahkan kesini

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